期刊名稱 / 台灣文學館通訊
發刊日期 / 2024年06月
期  別 / 第83期
ISSN  / 27079813
  • 編輯室報告
  • 臺南的跨時空文學之旅A Literary Journey in Tainan across Space and Time
    8 【說展覽Visiting the Gallery】文學千層,故事連城:來一場跨越時空的文學之旅 / Myriad Layers of Literature and Miles of Journey: A Journey on Literature across Space and Time 羅聿倫、林佩蓉
    12 【聽導覽Listening to the Guide】臺南文學與臺灣文學史的建構/ Defining the Tainan Literature and Constructing the History of Taiwan Literature 江昺崙
    18 【讀作品Reading the Text】以文學重新認識臺南與臺灣的「多元」/ Rediscovering the Diversity of Tainan and Taiwan through Literature 呂美親
    22 【寫經驗Writing about the Experience】在臺南,成為一個走讀的書寫者/ Becoming a Walking Writer in Tainan 米果
  • 蔡秋桐的台語文書寫 Tsai Chiu-Tung’ s Taiwanese Language Writing in Earlier Times
    26 「傳之無窮」:蔡秋桐的文學遺產/ To Be Inherited: Tsai Chiu-Tung's Literary Heritage 陳淑容
    32 蔡秋桐筆下的嘲諷與批判/ Irony and Critique in Tsai Chiu-Tung's Works 李敏忠
    38 小學裡的文學館─訪雲林蔡秋桐文學館 The Literary Museum in an Elementary School: Visiting the Tsai Chiu-Tung Literary Museum 林皓淳
    44 從土地到語文─ 蔡秋桐的時代以及現在/ From Land to Languages: The Era of Tsai Chiu-Tung and Now 洪明道
  • 文學工場Literature Workshop
    50 【閱讀線上Reading Live】深耕在地的種子:訪種子書屋店主戴金蜜 A Seed to Nurture the Local Community: Interview with Ami Tai 劉庭彰
    54 【作家私房A Esoteric Space】從海島的豆莢發芽:訪陳淑瑤 Sprouting from the Islands: Interview with Author Chen Shu-Yao 張皓棠、陳淑瑤
    58 【作家私房A Esoteric Space】文字與音樂雙聲道下的火燒庄:訪張嘉祥 Folklores and Memories of“ The Burnt Village”: Interview with Musician and Author Tiunn Ka-siông 邱映寰
    62 【業界直擊Business Live】六十而笠─訪《笠》詩刊編輯團隊 Sixty Years of the Li Poetry: Interview with the Editorial Team 林宇軒
  • 另一種文學Another Kind of Literature
    68 【紙上導覽員Tour Guide on the Paper】作家與他們的產地─都柏林/ Dublin: Writers and Where to Find Them 王嘉玲
    72 【文學新鮮貨 Fresh from Literature】給臺南的情書─ 記「Tainan 400 Mail Art」郵遞藝術展/The“ Tainan 400 Mail Art” Exhibition: Love Letters to Tainan 陳昱成
    76 春日如何閱讀?臺文基地與你動起來讀!/ Reading and Moving in Springtime - Activities for the Taiwan Literature Base Visitors in this Spring 溫席昕
    80 臺北城東的世界會客室:國際駐村作家與 「2024 臺灣法語月」在臺灣文學基地/Greeting Artists-in-Residence and Introducing the Month o f Francophonie 2024 in the Taiwan Literature Base 彭建森、蘇羿璇
  • 典藏再發現Revisiting the Classics
    84 上街頭,搬一齣戲─臺南文化劇團的社會實踐/Taking Drama to the Streets: The Social Practice of a Troupe in the 1920s Tainan 林佩蓉
    86 在時代交界,用刊物重新製作歷史─ 《臺南文化》與《南瀛文獻》/ Reviewed at the Intersection of Eras: Tainan's History Represented in Two Publications 邱睦容