08 | 【說展間】山海醞釀的獨特文化:原住民族文學捐贈展策展引言 The Unique Culture Brewed by Mountains and Seas: Curatorial Introduction to the Donation Exhibition o f the Aboriginal Literature. | 鄭雅雯 | |
12 | 【聽導覽】有沒有一種文學可能,是音樂? Is Music a Potential Literary Form? | 黃國超 | |
18 | 【讀作品】望向多方的原住民族‧文學 The Diversity of the Aboriginal and Literature. | 陳芷凡 | |
20 | 【寫經驗】一些關於封面的小事 Trivia About The Cover. | 馬翊航 |
24 | 走入南國風景:中川一政的藝術生涯與書籍裝幀 Immerse in the Southern Landscape: Nakagawa Kazumasa's Art and Book Design. | 李志銘 | |
28 | 民俗版印與裝幀的華麗島風情:我向西川滿學習的限定本 What I Learn From Mitsuru Nishikawa and His Impression of “Beautiful Island”. | 洪福田 | |
32 | 在每個當下,找尋書本最合適的模樣:王離X陳恩安談書籍裝幀與設計 Searching the Apt Look for a Book at the Moment : Conversation about the Book Design with Li Wang and En An Chen. | 陳葶芸 | |
38 | 金蝶獎與臺灣裝幀設計的過去、未來:訪李明道 The Past and Future of Taiwan's Book Design and the Golden Butterfly Awards: Interview with Akibo Lee. -訪李明道 | 詹斯閔 |
44 | 【閱讀線上】存在即是道理:專訪季風帶文化創辦人林韋地 Being is Everything:Interview with the Monsoon Bookstore founder Lim Wooi Tee. | 蘇曉凡 | |
48 | 【作家私房】在部落勞動打開我的創作 Opening Up My Creativity through Tribal Labor. | 程廷 | |
52 | 【作家私房】耆老的聲音是我底蘊的養分 The Voices of Elders are the Nourishment of My Foundation. | 邱立仁 | |
56 | 【業界直擊】書作為感官體驗:訪設計工作室「軌室」 Book as a Sensory Experience: An Interview with Absence Lab . | 蘇郁欣 |
62 | 【紙上導覽員】捷克布爾諾的「摩拉維亞圖書館」Moravian Library in Brno, Czech Republic. | 魏彥學、呂維倫 | |
68 | 【文學新鮮貨】當世界關注臺灣,用文學與國際接軌 As the World Sees Taiwan, Using Literature to Bridge the Globe: Interview with Nikky Lin, Director of National Museum of Taiwan Literature. -訪臺文館館長林巾力 | 陳渝柔 | |
74 | 【文學新鮮貨】聲影與流光:「我在這裡成為一個被動的字」The Shadow and Flowing Light in the Alley of Literature: "I Became a Passive Word Here". | 趙慶華 | |
78 | 【文學新鮮貨】用走讀紀念文協:2022年臺文館文協地景走讀活動回顧 A Review o f the 2022 Na tional Museum o f Taiwan Literature's C ultural Association Walking Tour. | 林佳蓉 |
84 | 歌仔冊《最新黃宅忠審蛇案歌》簡介 Introduction to Taiwanese Ballad: Zueì Sin Huáng Jhaí Jhong Shěn Shé Àn Ge. | 周定邦 | |
86 | 我寫,我唱,因為我在 I Write, I Sing, and Ther efore I Am. | 蔡佩含 |