期刊名稱 / 台灣文學館通訊
發刊日期 / 2024年03月
期  別 / 第82期
ISSN  / 27079813
  • 編輯室報告
  • 東潮西漸Taiwan Literature Marching into Europe
    8 【說展覽Visiting the Gallery】文物的博物館行旅:虛實之間的華麗變身 Journey to the Museum: Cultural Artifacts in Reality and Virtual Reality 黃于琳
    12 【聽導覽Listening to the Guide】修復如時,文物賦活: 訪臺文館修護師陳烜宇、林宛臻 Reviving the Past: Interview with Conservators Chen Hsuan-Yu and Lin Wan-Jen 劉庭彰
    16 【讀作品Reading the Text】文化瑰寶薪火相傳: 文物保存修護相關書籍介紹 Passing Down Cultural Treasures: Books on Preservation and Conservation o f Cultural Artifacts 岩素芬
    20 【寫經驗Writing about the Experience】讓文物和大眾重新產生連結:訪臺文館研究組林佩蓉組長與愛迪斯科技蘇清施經理 Reestablishing the Connection Between Cultural Artifacts and the Public 汪倩妤
    24 歐陸平原上的臺灣文學:記2023 年臺灣文學作品 波蘭文編譯出版及巡迴座談Taiwan Literature on the European Plain: Publication and Touring Discussions o f Two Taiwan Literary Works in Poland, 2023 施富盛
    28 遺珠無憾:臺灣文學在歐洲被珍視 No Snubs: Taiwan Literature Cherished in Europe 王儷靜
    32 奔向自由的文學:臺灣文學主題展前進中東歐 Racing Towards Freedom: Taiwan Literature Exhibitions in Central and Eastern Europe 鄭得興
    36 一種展示臺灣的方式: 記臺灣原住民族文學展於關島展出 A Way to Showcase Taiwan: A Taiwan's Indigenous Literature Exhibition in Guam 陳昱成
    40 「正著時」的臺灣文學盛宴─ 國立臺灣文學館林巾力館長談臺灣文學歐洲展出經驗 Just in Season: Interview with Nikky Lin, Director o f National Museum o f Taiwan Literature 何玟珒
  • 文學工場Literature Workshop
    48 【閱讀線上Reading Live】以「書店」為據點,孵育一個文化有機體─ 訪信鴿法國書店國外採購人員孫祥珊Cultural Organism Incubated in Bookstores: Interview with Shannon Sun from Librairie Le Pigeonnier 吳孟倫
    52 【作家私房A Esoteric Space】捕捉歷史瞬間的客語:訪張郅忻 Capturing Historical Moment s in Hakka Language: Interview with Chang Chih-Hsin 張皓棠
    56 【作家私房A Esoteric Space】毋甘放予袂記得:訪蘇致亨 Unwilling to Forget: Interview with Su Chih-Heng 邱映寰
    60 【業界直擊Business Live】修護,是參與歷史的一部分─訪文物修護師陳宜柳 Conservation: An Integral Part of History - Interview with Cultural Artifact Conservator Chen Yi-Liu 蘇曉凡
  • 另一種文學Another Kind of Literature
    66 【紙上導覽員Tour Guide on the Paper】探訪西班牙文學寶地:塞凡提斯的故鄉 A Literary Tour to Spain: Exploring the Homeland o f Cervantes 羅聿倫
    70 【文學新鮮貨 Fresh from Literature】臺灣文學在國際發光─瑞典蟬獎與臺灣文學 Taiwan Literature Seen Ov erseas: The Cik ada Priz e and Taiwan Literature 劉玉雯、 王嘉玲、蕭安凱
    74 【文學新鮮貨 Fresh from Literature】讓文學精神化為日常,讓文學好物進駐生活 Literary and Daily: Goods Designed for Literature Lovers 趙慶華
    76 【文學新鮮貨 Fresh from Literature】甜鹹之間─從文學探索的臺南滋味 Between Sweet and Savory: Exploring the Flavors of Tainan in Literature 郭亭依
    80 【文學新鮮貨 Fresh from Literature】臺法文化交流的火花: 臺灣文學基地的「法語繪本說故事」Sparks of Taiwanese-French Cultural Exchange: French Picture Book Activity at the Taiwan Literature Base 吳宗佑
  • 典藏再發現Revisiting the Classics
    84 繽紛多彩享晚年─從張福英手劄看她的璀璨人生 Vibrant and Colorful Sunset Years: A Glimpse at Queeny Chang's Gorgeous Life through Her Diaries 許惠玟
    86 遙望江頭無限水:那些年的張福英與林景仁 Gazing Over the Endless Waters: Moment s in Queeny Chang's Marriage 莊怡文