期刊名稱 / 台灣文學館通訊
發刊日期 / 2023年12月
期  別 / 第81期
ISSN  / 27079813
  • 編輯室報告
  • 美國現代主義在臺灣Modernism in Taiwan
    08 【說展覽Visiting the Gallery】冷酷現代主義下的熱血青年書寫 Stars Shine, Reflecting Each Other : Passionate Youth Writing in the Midst of Modernism 羅聿倫
    12 【聽導覽Listening to the Guide】美國現代主義在臺灣:橫向移植與在地實作 American Modernism in Taiwan: Lateral Transfer and Local Practice 陳榮彬
    16 【讀作品Reading the Text】從「 美學革新」走向「冷戰美學」: 美國現代主義作品在臺灣 "Aesthetic Revolution" to "Cold War Aesthetics": American Modernist Works in Taiwan 王梅香
    20 【寫經驗Writing about the Experience】美援時代的臉譜和表情 The Masks and Expressions of the American Aid Era 熊一蘋
  • 臺灣古典詩人的日常The Daily Lives of Classical Poets in Taiwan
    24 編織臺灣古典詩人的小日子 Weaving the Everyday Lives of Classical Taiwanese Poets 施懿琳
    28 日治臺灣古典詩人生存記 Survival Records of Classical Poets in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Rule Period 徐淑賢
    32 徜徉書海,肆志詩林: 林文龍的古籍收藏與詩壇淵源 Wandering Through the Seas of Books, Unrestrained in the Forest of Poetry: Lin Wen-long's Collection of Classical Texts and its Roots in the Poetry Scene 劉庭彰
    38 臺灣古典文學的當代意義: 從《老派文青的文學浪漫》談起 "The Contemporary Significance of Taiwanese Classical Literature: Starting from 'The Literary Romance of the Old- School Literati'" 廖振富
    42 直到前年,我還出了一本古典詩集 Until the year before last, I published a collection of classical poems 吳東晟
    48 【閱讀線上Reading Live】在舊書裡認識新世界:訪舊香居店員吳浩宇 Exploring a New World through Old Books: Interview with Wu Haoyu, Staff at Jiu Xiang Ju Bookstore 詹斯閔
  • 文學工場 Literature Workshop
    52 【作家私房A Esoteric Space】站在時代的浪尖上:訪林懷民 Standing at the Crest of the Times: Interview with Lin Hwai-min 徐禎苓
    56 【作家私房A Esoteric Space】佇府城南風中隨地到處寫:訪王羅蜜多 Writing Everywhere in the Southern Breeze of Tainan: An Interview with Wang Luomeiduo 張純昌
    60 【業界直擊Business Live】跨越二十多年的積累:訪《全臺詩》編輯團隊 Accumulation Over More Than Two Decades: Exclusive Interview with the Editorial Team of "The Complete Collection of Classical Taiwanese Poetry" 何玟珒
  • 另一種文學 Another Kind of Literature
    66 【紙上導覽員Tour Guide on the Paper】無法離開的人與正在消失的事:訪雲林「三秀園」總監傅恩弘 People Who Can't Leave and Things That Are Disappearing: Interview with Fu En-Hong, Director of Yunlin's "Sam Siu Garden" 林皓淳
    72 【文學新鮮貨 Fresh from Literature】解開繩索,自信跳舞:2023英國文學翻譯中心夏季學校「臺灣文學翻譯工作坊」Dancing with More Shackles on the Rope: 2023 British Centre for Literary Translation Summer School "Literature from Taiwan" 游騰緯
    76 【文學新鮮貨 Fresh from Literature】捕捉故事,手到擒來 Capturing Stories, Easy as Pie 謝韻茹
    78 【文學新鮮貨 Fresh from Literature】身體,文學ê 所在:文學與舞蹈的文化傳遞 Literature is in Your Veins :Literature-Dance Adaptation Project 鴻鴻
  • 典藏再發現Revisiting the Classics
    82 凝聚詩心,穿越時間長河的銅鐘:櫟社三十週年紀念詩鐘 Gathering Poetry Hearts, Crossing the Long River of Time: The 30th Anniversary Commemorative Poetry Bell of Li Poetic Organization 王雅儀
    86 縛將奇士作騷人.一吼臺灣銕魂生: 略談周定山先生的文人藝事 A Brief Discussion on Mr. Zhou Dingshan's Artistic Achievements 柏巧玲