期刊名稱 / 台灣文學館通訊
發刊日期 / 2023年06月
期  別 / 第79期
ISSN  / 27079813
  • 編輯室報告
  • 文學誌百病Literature Chronicles the Hundred Maladies
    08 【說展覽】Visit the Gallery -疾病湍流下的夢幻島嶼書寫/Island of Dreams and Writing Amidst the Turbulence of Disease. 王嘉玲
    12 【聽導覽】Listening to the Guide -鎩羽的除魅之業:重訪瘋女十八年/The Frustrated Quest to Banish Evil: Revisiting the Tale of "Mad Woman After Eighteen Years" 吳易叡
    016 【讀作品】 Reading the Text -談談臺灣現代文學中的疾病、瘋狂與死亡/Exploring Disease, Madness, and Death in Modern Literature of Taiwan. 廖淑芳
    20 【寫經驗】 Writing about the Experience -銘刻於身體,疾病見證/Inscribed on the Body, Witness of Illness. 李欣倫
  • 文學與建築共生Literature and Architecture in Symbiosis
    24 記憶・再生: 臺文館建築的前世今生/Memory and Regeneration: The Past and Present of the NMTL's Architecture. 程鵬升
    28 文化生活場域與都市空間的跨時代嫁接:臺文基地的空間故事/ Crossing Time and Space in Cultural Life and Urban Spaces: The Spatial Stories of Taiwan Literature Base. 蔡沛霖
    32 城市策展:成為博物館的日治建築/Urban Curation: Transforming Colonial-era Architecture into Museums. 邱立崴
    40 當古蹟變成博物館:文化資產意義與價值的轉譯與再生/When Historic Sites Turn into Museums: Translating and Regenerating the Meaning and Value of Cultural Heritage. 殷寶寧
  • 文學工場Literature Workshop
    46 【閱讀線上】諾貝爾獎的希望等候室:唐恩書店/The Antechamber of Hope for Nobel Prize: Down House Bookstore. 陳渝柔
    50 【作家私房】接上世界的頻率說故事:訪賴香吟/Telling Stories on the Frequency of the World. 徐禎苓
    54 【作家私房】在自己的海蝕洞裡:訪陳宗暉/In One's Own Sea Cave. 張純昌
  • 另一種文學Another Kind of Literature
    58 【業界直擊】持續累積那些簡單卻重要的事:訪《元氣周報》主編王郁婷/Continuously Accumulating Simple Yet Important Matters: An Interview with Sarah Wang, Editor-in-Chief of UDN Health. 汪倩妤
    64 【紙上導覽員】遊子返鄉 ˙ 臺南尋味:蘇碩斌帶路,重新認識家鄉美食/Homecoming of the Traveler, Tasting Tainan: Shuo-Bin Su Guides the Way to Rediscover Local Delicacies. 何玟珒
    70 【文學新鮮貨】球棒、筆電包、LINE 貼圖:文學轉譯,也可以趣味滿點/Bat, Laptop Bag, LINE Stickers: Fun-filled Learning and Creative Translations. 趙慶華
    74 【文學新鮮貨】1986年Contemporary Chinese Fiction出版緣起:聶維斌的臺灣文學調查/The Origin of the Publication of Contemporary Chinese Fiction in 1986: Neal Robbins' Investigation of Taiwanese Literature. 陳柏旭
  • 典藏再發現Revisit the Classics
    81 煙霧瀰漫中的迷人創作/Enchanting Creations in the Misty Haze. 鄭雅雯
    86 煙癮的隱喻/The Metaphor of Smoking Addiction. 蕭鈞毅