- 研究者:
Faye Yuan Kleeman
- 論著類型:
- 專書、學位論文
- 書報刊名:
- Under an imperial sun : Japanese colonial literature of Taiwan and the South
- 出版地:
- Honolulu
- 出版社/承辦單位:
- University of Hawaii Press
- 出版時間:
- 2003年9月
- 頁次/版次:
- 317頁
- 開本:
- 24公分
- 按語:
- 本書分 Writing The Empire, Colonial Desire and Ambivalence, The Empire Writes Back 3部分,計有:1.Introduction: Imperialism and Textuality; 2.The Genealogy of the “South”; 3.Taming the Barbaric; 4.Writers in the South; 5.Nishikawa Mitsuru and Bungei Taiwan; 6.Gender, Historiography, and Romantic Colonialism; 7. Language Policy and Cultural Identity; 8.The Nativist Response; 9. Imperial-Subject Literature and Its Discontens; 10.Conclusion: A voice refractions. 正文前有” Acknowledgments ” , 正文後有” Epilogue: Postcolonial Refrctions ” ” Notes” “Bibliongrphy” “Index”.