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萬榮華 (Rev.Edward Band,1886?-)
名稱 描述 出版地 出版日期
《Eng Tâi Kán-īⁿ Hōe-ōe》(英台簡易會話) 20課版;TG、EG對照。編著 台南 1927?
Barclay of Formosa Tokyo 1936
Working His Purpose out: The History of the English Presbyterian Mission 1847-1947 (Part Two: Formosa) London 1948
Ed. He Brought them out: The Story of the Christian Movement among the Mountain Tribes of Formosa London 1950
《I Chhōa In Chhut》(I Chhōa In出) 故事散文。孫雅各提供寫作素材;萬榮華編;黃丁旺TG翻譯 台南 1952
《Eng Tâi Kán-īⁿ Hōe-ōe》(英台簡易會話) 25課版;TG、EG對照。萬榮華、沈毅敦、鍾茂成編著 台南 1955
He Led Them on: The Story of the Christian Movement among the Paiwan Tribe of Formosa. By John Whitehorn and Edward Band. London 1955
《校長回憶錄:Reminiscences by Three School Masters》 中、英文合集。Edward Band、戴明福、趙天慈合著 台南 1956
Barclay of Formosa Taipei 1972
《巴克禮博士與台灣:Barclay of Formosa》 班德(Edward Band)原著;詹正義編譯 台北 1976